Introduction to Cats

A cat is the member of cat family and is a carnivorous animal. The main characteristics of cats are striped coverage or dark spots in light basement which are separated from each other . Other characteristic is having short snout and teeth which are specialized to cut and tear . Domestic cat differs from dog.a dog is more social and faithful but cat is selfish and isolated . There are more than 100 species of cats which are known till today .but mostly the cats are crossbreed. We can devide cats into two groups : long haired and short haired . Adult cat has 30 teeth .cat's jaw has no side movement to grind food ,and the teethe are not capable of grinding food ,on the other hand, the rasp like tongue can seperate meat from bone. Cats are hobgoblins and are resting during the not true that cats have night vision but they have the ability to see in poor light . Cat's body has great flexibility that helps it during running and hunt preying to have the maximum speed ,but because of having small lungs ( in contrast to dugs which have large lungs) they get tired fast.


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