Lover Cats

Avicenna has a book about love ( booklet of love) in which he says that love is not only related to human being but it can be found in whole creature such as animals and plants too. For a biologist , it is so difficult to explain what love is because animals are of different types which makes it difficult for us to distinguish love acts from their own sexual instinct. Sexual instinct is present in animals but the quality of it is different . In all wild animals .sexual contacts takes place in a certain time of the year ; only in domestic animals which live near human beings , sexual contact takes place in different times of the year . Body of an animal is equipped with external factors which adjust all the agents that keep species . There are special behaviors which make it possible for females and males to distinguish each other and to prevent sexual contact with other unknown species. Peacock love show is a sample of ceremonial sexual contact between animals. Gifts are of great importance in most of ceremonial sexual contacts ,for example male sea shorebird gives the female bird a small fish as a gift ,and Australian diamond pegion give each other sea grass as a gift.
